wanted to keep an ever growing list of all the JAFF titles I came
across but it's a never ending task! If I come across any more I'll add
them as I go but for now my JAFF hunt is on hiatus at almost 700 and I
shall be adding to the sections a few at a time. The list was getting a
bit unwieldy so I have split them up into sections which can be found
in the dropdown menus above the header or by following links like those below which are in every book section.
A-B ~ C-D ~ E-G ~ H-L ~ M-N ~ O-P ~ Q-S ~ T-Z
So many wonderful stories and I'll never run out of reading material!
are all available in paperback as far as I know. Comment if you know
of a title I missed or one that you'd like to recommend.
~~*This list is a work in progress so don't be surprised to find sections missing...I'll fill 'em soon.*~~
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