
I live in Scotland and I'm a wife, a mother, friend and daughter. I like to knit and crochet and make cards and pretty much every other craft known in existence. I'm a big bookworm too and read every day. Some days my commitments mean I don't get as many pages read as I'd like to but I try to always manage to fit in a page or three here and there, even on the busiest of days. 

I've been running book blogs in one form or another for about 9+ years and this one, the one known as The Pemberley Library, has been on the go since early Summer 2016. I also have a general book blog where I review anything that isn't Pride & Prejudice related and have been running that blog since early 2008.  I also review on Amazon and Booklikes and have had a Goodreads account since 2007.  My favourite 'go to' genre is Apocalyptic fiction but my newest obsession is anything related to Pride and Prejudice and this blog is where I'll indulge it. 

I get as much fun out of reading other people's blogs as I do from posting on my own so sometimes I seem Missing In Action but I'm still around and if anyone feels an urgent need to drop me a line my email is on my profile page (I think).

These days I like the easy life. I very rarely promote my blog but on the odd occasion when I do join in with a meme or something it's because I feel like I have something I'd like to share, I like to see everyone else's posts though and see which books are doing the rounds.

If you stumble across me and would like to leave a comment on one of my posts that's fantastic. Thank you for taking the time to let me know you've visited. If you're a lurker or a fly-by-night visitor, that's ok too :)

Usually, of the books I do manage to read, some I post reviews for, some I don't.  I don't get pleasure from writing reviews for books I didn't like - If I didn't like it then I didn't like it, that's not to say that you wouldn't like it though and I'd hate to put anyone off of reading a book they might love because they were set against it due to my opinion of it.  However, with this blog I'm going to try and write a review (good or bad) for any and all books I read... 'Try' being the operative word here!

Of the books that I do blog about most I have bought with my own money.  Sometimes they're new releases, sometimes they're not. Sometimes they may be positively prehistoric in terms of release date but that sort of stuff doesn't register when deciding whether to write about them or not I just do my own thing really and am not too fazed about current book blog trends. 

I receive a lot of ARC's and books for review but those are for my other blogs and so far haven't been lucky enough to receive any JAFF books so my books reviewed to date have all been bought with my own money and disclosed on each post.  I've begun to stock up on quite a stack of books to review here and from time to time I may also blog about books received as gifts from friends or family too.

I own several Kindle e-readers which are full to bursting with books but for some reason I seem to prefer reading JAFF books in paper format.  Not sure why but I've tried a few in ebook form and don't enjoy it as much for some reason. *shrug*.

When all is said and done this is just my playground. It might not be as busy and/or full as some of the other book blogs out there but it's mine and it's my little bit of stress-free fun so it makes me happy.

If you would like to familiarize yourself with my Policies, you can find them HERE.

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